Monthly Archives: June 2011
Falling in love | Long Island Newborn Photographer | September Blue Photography
Back in April, I hosted a 1 on 1 newborn workshop with and for another local photographer (Tatiana of and I fell in love… with macro. Now - I’ve always tried to capture those sweet little baby parts and I’ve always loved them (especially baby feet, love baby feet!) but I never knew love like this before. And this first image was the shot that made me fall in love… As you might have guessed, a Nikkor 105mm 2.8 VR has found a permanent home in my camera bag! Below you will find baby Colin and baby Maja, our two adorable workshop models.
Jocelyn | NYC Newborn Photographer | September Blue Photography
Another gorgeous newborn girl…I’ve had so many newborn girls in the past few months and so few newborn boys.
This little girl was quite smiley…and let me try lots of fun new stuff.
Tagged Brookville Newborn Photographer, Glen Head Newborn Photographer, Laurel Hollow Newborn Photographer, Long Island Baby Photographer, Long Island Newborn Photographer, Manhasset Newborn Photographer, Newborn Photography NY, NY Newborn Photographer, NYC Baby Photographer, NYC Newborn Photographer
Madison | Long Island Newborn Photographer | September Blue Photography
Beautiful Baby J | Long Island Newborn Photographer | September Blue Photography
The busy outdoor season is officially in full swing (yay!) and so blog posts will get a bit shorter, but maybe more frequent as I try really hard to catch up, and you’ll see lots more fun outdoor work which I am excited to show and even more excited to shoot.
This is beautiful baby J, yes she is definitely indoor… with a touch of the outdoors brought to her session. This prop is real and I love it for that reason. It makes it that much more unique. It weighs a ton but again, love it. It’s currently undergoing a metamorphosis of sorts as it gets dried and treated for future use. While I looove the rich bark texture, I can’t wait to see how it’s going to look when it gets it’s new look!